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This documentation repository will help get you started with using MPLAB® Harmony v3 for your application development and deployment. Click on the following links to quickly navigate to the resources that you need.

MPLAB Harmony Basics

Featured Videos

What is MPLAB® Harmony v3?

Peripheral Libraries and Drivers—Getting Started

Title Type of Resource
Create Your First Peripheral Library (PLIB) Project  GitHub Page
How to Build an Application by Adding a New PLIB, Driver or Middleware to an Existing MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project PDF Document
Getting Started with MPLAB Harmony Peripheral Libraries for:
SAM C2x MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
Create Your First Project with SAMC21 Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Video
SAM D21 MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
Create Your First Project with SAMD21 Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Video
SAM D5x/E5x MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
Create Your First Project with SAM E54 Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Video
SAM L10 MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
Create Your First Project with SAM E70 using MPLAB Harmony v3 Video
PIC32MZ EF MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
Create Your First Project with PIC32MZ EF Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Video
PIC32MX 470 MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
PIC32MK GP MCU Peripherals Developer Help Article
Getting Started on the PIC32MK MCM Curiosity Pro Development Board Video
Arm® TrustZone® Getting Started Application on SAM L11 MCUs Developer Help Article
Clock System Configuration and Usage on SAM E5x Arm Cortex®-M4 Based Devices PDF Document
Clock System Configuration on SAM C2x Arm Cortex-M0+ Based Devices PDF Document
Getting Started with MPLAB Harmony v3 Drivers and System Services on SAM E70/S70/V7x MCUs Developer Help Article
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM E70/S70/V7x MCUs Using FreeRTOS™ Developer Help Article
Getting Started with MPLAB Harmony v3 Drivers and Middleware on PIC32MZ EF MCUs Using FreeRTOS Developer Help Article
Getting Started with MPLAB Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM D21 MCUs Using FreeRTOS Developer Help Article
Getting Started with USB on SAM MCUs Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Developer Help Article
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM C21 MCUs Using FreeRTOS Developer Help Article
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM E54 MCUs Using FreeRTOS Developer Help Article
How to Use the MPLAB Harmony v3 Debug System Service PDF Document
The Differences Between MPLAB Harmony v3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Drivers and When to Use Them PDF Document
The Difference Between MPLAB Harmony v3 PLIBs and Drivers and When to Use Them PDF Document
MPLAB Harmony v3 Synchronous Drivers and Their Usage in FreeRTOS-Based Applications PDF Document

Migration Guides

Title Type of Resource
MPLAB Harmony v3 Project Migration PDF Document
How to Set Up MPLAB® Harmony v3 Software Development Framework for MPLAB Harmony v2 Users PDF Document
MPLAB Harmony v3 Application Development Guide for MPLAB Harmony v2 Users PDF Document
Atmel START to MPLAB Harmony v3 Migration Guide PDF Document
Porting Applications from ASF3 to MPLAB Harmony v3 Framework PDF Document
Differences Between MPLAB Harmony v2 and MPLAB Harmony v3 GitHub Wiki Article
Introduction to MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB Harmony v3 for Atmel Studio and Atmel START Users PDF Document
MPLAB Harmony v2 to MPLAB Harmony v3 Application Migration Guides for:
Graphics Applications GitHub Wiki Article
TCP/IP Applications GitHub Wiki Article
USB Applications GitHub Wiki Article
Migration from 8-bit MCUs to 32-bit MCUs                                  
Application Migration from 8-bit PIC18F MCUs to 32-bit SAM D21 MCUs GitHub Page
Application Migration from 8-bit AVR® MCUs to 32-bit SAM D21 MCUs GitHub Page
Build MPLAB Harmony v3 Project with Arm® GCC  
Build MPLAB Harmony v3 Project with Arm GCC Toolchain in MPLAB X IDE GitHub Page
Migrating SAM C21 Application to PIC32CM MC Application 
Migrating ASF SAM C21 Application to MPLAB Harmony v3 Using a PIC32CM MC MCU Developer Help Article

Quick Start Middleware Examples

Middleware Title Type of Resource


Graphics Quick Start Applications GitHub Wiki Article
Creating a New Graphics Application GitHub Wiki Article
Graphics Quick Start Applications for PIC32MZ and SAM MCUs GitHub Wiki Article
Graphics Migration Guide from MPLAB® Harmony v2 to MPLAB Harmony v3 for PIC32MZ EF GitHub Wiki Article
MPLAB Harmony Graphics Suite User Guide GitHub Document


MPLAB Harmony USB Stack User Guide GitHub Document
Create Your First USB Device Application GitHub Wiki Document
Create Your First USB Host Application GitHub Wiki Document


MPLAB Harmony TCP/IP User Guide GitHub Wiki Document
Create Your First TCP/IP Application GitHub Wiki Document
MPLAB Harmony v2 to MPLAB Harmony v3 - TCP/IP Application Migration Guide PDF Document


QTouch® Modular Library Peripheral Touch Controller User’s Guide PDF Document
Generate a Touch Project with MPLAB Harmony Developer Help Article
Configure a Touch Surface and Gesture Project in MPLAB Harmony Developer Help Article


Creating Your First Audio Application GitHub Wiki Article
Creating Your First Audio Decoder Application GitHub Wiki Article
MPLAB Harmony Audio Overview GitHub Wiki Article


MPLAB Harmony Crypto Overview GitHub Wiki Article


MPLAB Harmony WINC Driver Architecture PDF Document
Create Your First WINC Bypass Mode Example Using MPLAB Harmony TCP/IP Stack GitHub Wiki Article


MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Quick Start Guide GitHub Wiki Article
  Motor Control Create Your First Motor Control Application Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Developer Help Article

Stand-Alone MPLAB Harmony v3 Applications and Other Examples

Development Tool Demo Files and Other Resources

PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit


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PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Pro Development Board


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PIC32MK General Purpose (GP) Development Kit


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PIC32MK MCM Curiosity Pro Development Board


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Curiosity PIC32MX470 Development Board


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PIC32MZ DA Curiosity Development Kit


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Curiosity PIC32MZ EF 2.0 Development Board


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PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity with FPU (EF) Starter Kit


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SAM C21 Xplained Pro evaluation kit


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SAM C21N Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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SAM D21 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit


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SAM D21 IoT WG Development Board


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SAM D21 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit


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SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board


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SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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SAM E70 Xplained Evaluation Kit


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SAM E70 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit


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SAM L10 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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SAM L11 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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SAM L21 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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SAML22 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit


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