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The Choice for Extended Range, Ultra-Low Power, Robust Sensor Networks

Our industry-leading sub-GHz devices, which operate in the license-free ISM frequency bands from 315 MHz to 928 MHz, are designed for low-power applications. Consuming about 75% less power than Wi-Fi®, sub-GHz is the ideal wireless technology for low-cost, robust and low-power sensor networks such as metering, smart home and smart city applications. 

Depending on your application’s requirements, we offer highly integrated sub-GHz transceivers, microcontroller (MCU)-based System-in-Package (SiP) solutions and fully certified sub-GHz module solutions that will help you get your product to market quickly. We offer support for IEEE® 802.15.4 and proprietary wireless standards. Our advanced development boards, free software stacks and demo code make it easier than ever to start developing with our sub-GHz solutions. 

Why Choose Our Sub-GHz Solutions?

Typical Sub-GHz Applications

Smart Meters

Alarm Systems

Smart City/IoT

Choose From These Flexible Development Options

Sub-GHz MCU Transceivers

For Long-Life, Battery-Powered Sensors

Sub-GHz Transceivers

For Smart Energy and Metering

Sub-GHz Modules

For Getting Your Low-Power Application to Market Quickly

Sub-GHz Products

Featured Products

SAMR30 Module

  • Ultra-low-power microcontroller and 802.15.4 radio module supporting the protocol stack and user application in a single device
  • Reliable sub-GHz connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) sensors that require communication through exterior walls​
  • ​Compact size for small, easy-to-deploy sensors​
  • ​Extremely low-power sleep modes for multiple years of battery life​
  • ​Proprietary self-healing mesh connectivity​
  • ​Reduced risk and time to market with a regulatory-certified solution, proprietary MiWi™ mesh stack and Microchip Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with demo code


  • 2.4 GHz and sub-GHz 802.15.4/802.15.4g transceiver​ for smart meter and smart city applications
  • Dual-band sub-GHz/2.4 GHz transceiver (simultaneous operation)​
  • Supports IEEE® 802.15.4-2011, 802.15.4g-2012 and ETSI TS 102 887-1  ​
  • 1.8 to 3.6V operation​
  • 25 MHz Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Featured Development Tools

SAM R30M Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

Part Number: AC164159

Hardware platform designed to evaluate the SAMR30M18A module.

SAMR30M Sensor Board

Part Number: DT100130

Hardware platform to explore and evaluate the capabilities of the ATSAMR30M18A, a sub-1 GHz IEEE® 802.15.4 compliant RF module with an integrated Arm® Cortex®-M0+ based MCU with 256 KB Flash for application and protocol development.

SAM R30 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

Part Number: ATSAMR30-XPRO

Hardware platform to evaluate the ATSAMR30G18A System on Chip (SoC).

AT86RF215 Xplained Pro Extension Board

Part Number: ATREB215-XPRO

The AT86RF215 Xplained Pro Extension Board is targeted for evaluating the features and performance of the multi-band radio transceiver AT86RF215 in the 863-928 MHz band and the 2.4 GHz band.


We make it easy to start developing with our Sub-GHz products using our free, proprietary software stacks and advanced development environments.

MiWi™ Networking Protocol

Our proprietary MiWi stack—a lightweight proprietary mesh networking solution for sub-GHz and 2.4 GHz applications—is ideal for low-cost embedded wireless connectivity for commercial and smart home networks.

The MiWi stack is available in Microchip Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This IDE gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment for developing and debugging all AVR® and SAM microcontroller applications. The MiWi mesh code is part of the Advanced Software Framework (ASF). Here are some links to other helpful resources:

The MiWi protocol supports both the SAM R21 (2.4 GHz) and SAM R30 (Sub-GHz) in ASF.


We support the 6LoWPAN protocol stack which enables Internet connectivity with lower complexity at the network edge by providing a complete solution for wireless IP-mesh connectivity over 802.15.4 links in 2.4 GHz and sub-GHz frequency bands. The protocol stack and a wide selection of application examples are available in Microchip Studio as part of the Advanced Software Framework (ASF) extension.

The SAM R30 sub-GHz device supports 6LoWPAN and our partner Exegin provides the complete stack and tools.

Microchip Studio IDE

Microchip Studio IDE offers the following features for developing applications using our sub-GHz solutions:

  • Write, compile and debug C/C++ on the SAM R30 module​
  • ​Configure and test wireless design performance with Wireless Composer ​
  • ​Display and capture runtime power data with Data Visualizer plug-in​
  • ​Extensive software libraries including MiWi wireless protocol on the SAM R30 module and over 1,600 project examples​
  • ​Full chip simulation for an accurate model of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), interrupts, peripherals and external stimuli

Wi-SUN Alliance®

We are proud to be a member of the Wi-SUN (Wireless Smart Utility Networks) Alliance, which was formed to drive the adoption of smart utility networks.​ The Wi-SUN Alliance defines communications profiles that are based on the IEEE 802.15.4g, 802.15.4e, IPv6, 6LoWPAN and UDP standards.​ It also offers testing and certification to further ensure interoperability. Similar to the IEEE standard for Wi-Fi®, it delivers harmonized operation of products from multiple suppliers.

The Wi-SUN Field Area Network (FAN) has been defined for smart citiesto enable reliable mesh connectivity. It supports configurable power, bandwidth and node-count deployments​.

With multi-modulation and simultaneous dual-band operation, both the AT86RF215M and AT86RF215 802.15.4 sub-GHz transceivers are advanced Wi-SUN solutions.

Our partner Exegin provides the complete Wi-SUN stack and tools.

SAMR30M 802.15.4 RF Module

Smallest Sub-GHz Module For Low-Power Wireless Sensing