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Choosing the Right Secure Key Storage Option for Your Application

Since each application has unique requirements, we offer a comprehensive portfolio offering the best option for implementing trust in your design, freeing up time so you can focus on your application development.

CryptoAuthentication™ ICs

Use our CryptoAuthentication ICs for IoT, accessories authentication, counterfeit protection and disposable cartridge applications to protect all your cryptographic keys. 

CryptoAutomotive™ ICs

Use our CryptoAutomotive security ICs for implementing in-vehicle network security in existing as well as future automotive designs.

Trust Platform 

Use the Trust Platform to leverage our pre-configured and pre-provisioned CryptoAuthentication devices with the most common security use cases and start with our secure provisioning service.

TPM Products

Use our enterprise-grade Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) in server and computing applications.

Implement Trust in Any System With Our Scalable Embedded Security Solutions

In a trusted embedded system, the root of trust is protected in a secure environment. As the critical foundation for securing an application, this concept of trust relies on using key-based authentication to validate transactions in systems. If a key is spoofed, your system’s transactions can be controlled by unauthorized or malicious users. To protect your embedded system and secure authentication keys against this type of threat, it is critical that you correctly implement trust in your embedded system right from the start.

To eliminate creating backdoors that would allow access to keys, both the crypto-primitive functions and keys used for implementing authentication schemes need to be stored in a container that is secure by design. Our secure elements are configurable companion devices that can be used next to any microcontroller or microprocessor. They provide hardware-based crypto-accelerators and secure key storage, plus some anti-tampering and side channel attack protections to make it easy to embed trust in any system. Offering flexibility, advanced features, cost-effective architectures and robust hardware defense mechanisms, our security devices are an excellent choice for adding trust by design and at scale.

In addition to supplying secure containers for authentication keys and credentials, we also offer secure provisioning services for large- to small-scale device deployments. Our Trust Platform for the CryptoAuthentication Family is a three-tier service that provides pre-provisioned, pre-configured or fully customizable secure elements to enable you to easily implement secure authentication in projects of all sizes. Our secure manufacturing facilities will safely provision keys in the devices, ensuring that keys are not exposed when being provisioned at the manufacturer, during field deployment of devices, or throughout the lifetime of the device.

Want to Learn More About Security and Other Hardware-Based Options?

Because there are many options for adding security to embedded designs, we offer a variety of flexible and complementary solutions in addition to our portfolio of secure elements, such as crypto-enabled microcontrollers and microprocessors. Use the link below to learn more about security and find the best type of protection for your design.