If you are developing devices for the Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless LAN (WLAN) Interoperability Testing (IOP) is an important requirement to ensure that your products work properly with the thousands of wireless Access Points (APs) that are available on the market. In addition to the challenges and expense involved in testing your device one-by-one with these APs, any interoperability issues that are not resolved can damage your brand’s reputation and potentially result in additional engineering costs.
To help reduce your design risk and give you the confidence that your product will work as your customers expect, we have implemented a rigorous and fully automated in-house IOP test system to ensure broad AP compatibility with the WFI32/ATWINCxxxx/ATWILCxxxx families of Wi-Fi® modules. For optimized coverage, these wireless modules are tested to work with carefully selected Wi-Fi chipsets from ten vendors that are used in popular AP brands. Each interoperability test runs for at least 48 hours and covers successful connection as well as bidirectional transfer of data between the device and AP.
To date we have tested 65 different APs using a total of 55 Wi-Fi chipset models from 35 popular families of devices. This covers more than 82% of the APs that have been introduced in the last five years. By offering this level of interoperability testing with our Wi-Fi modules, we make it easier and less costly for you to add reliable and robust connectivity to your design.
Note: The results from testing with APs in the above table can vary with test conditions, firmware versions, and chipsets used inside access points. To understand the IOP coverage of specific APs, please contact your regional sales manager.
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